Friday, September 21, 2012

It’s been almost three weeks now since we arrived at the JAARS center, settled amongst the beautiful foothills of the Appalachians. We are having a good time and are immensely enjoying the weather, especially when we hear that back home it’s getting cold already. Brrrr! But on the other hand, I am looking forward to fall. It’s one of my favorite times of the year, when the air gets crisp and fragrant with the smell of dampness, dying leaves, and moss. Somehow it becomes a time of reflection for me, thinking back over the year and all its happenings. I begin looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas and my mind is filled with memories from the past and excited anticipation of new memories to be made. It’s going to be Marcus’ first Christmas, two days before his first birthday. It may be the last or one of the last Christmas’ with family for a while. Hmmm…and the thoughts keep going!

Crape Myrtle Tree
 Now back to the present for a little update on all that’s been going on here in southern North Carolina. As most of you know, we are here for approximately six weeks while Andy receives some pre-orientation training in preparation for field orientation in the spring. He’s been doing a great job and is picking things up rather quickly. He feels so privileged to have the opportunity to get this kind of training. It’s intense, yes, but the benefits of developing stronger flight discipline and an excellence in airmanship is well worth the effort. 

Andy has been putting in full 8 hour days most of the time, although it rained for several days which cancelled the flights scheduled. He was, however, able to do some ground school while waiting for the weather to clear. His instructor is very pleased and a little surprised with how well he’s doing.
Andy flying the Helio Courier
 Janelle has been keeping herself busy with homemaking and helping out in the MK Station (JAARS daycare) taking care of two year olds 1-2 mornings a week. Marcus is doing very well and makes friends quite easily with his charming smile and nose wrinkling!

We are enjoying learning to know some of the other families here as well. It has been wonderful to be able to sit down and share together about God's grace in our lives and all that He is teaching us. Being able to hear the stories and experiences of others is such an encouragement, not only from the "old timers" but us "youngsters" as well! We were even able to spend some time with one of the couples that was in our Equip class in Florida last year.

Thank-you to all who are praying for us. We sense your prayers and are so grateful!

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