Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Tidbit From the Tiemans!

God continually amazes us in the ways that He works. It is great to know from experience that we can trust Him and see Him come through again and again. We are praising God for the team of partners He is putting together for us - partners in prayer, in finances, as encouragers and advocates. In just the past couple of weeks we have had several more individuals as well as a church partner with us. We are so excited about how God is using each one to help get God’s Word to those who don’t yet have it.

We are still planning on leaving for specialized flight training for Andy at the end of August with the training beginning in early September. We are very excited about it and Andy, of course, is looking forward to getting the chance to fly. He has been able to fly some with several students here in Wisconsin but he always loves the chance to have his hands on the controls vs. just watching a student do it. For Andy being a student again and learning from some great instructors is going to be exciting! 

Andy working on a Cherokee 140

 On the 20th of March we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. It’s been a wonderful two years, for sure!! We are so happy to be going through life together and feel so very blessed! We were able to spend some quality time together biking and also walking the trails at the “Red Mill” which is not too far from our place. 
Us in front of the chapel at the "Red Mill"
 Marcus continues to grow and develop. He has started rolling over and has started to pick things up with his hands and bring them to his mouth. It is amazing to us as we watch each little step of progress that he makes. Things that we don’t even think twice about like getting something from our hands all the way to some other point, he has to concentrate so hard on to accomplish. It is fun to watch him try so hard to grab something and squawk with frustration when he can’t or look very pleased with himself when he does. Of course, it goes directly into his mouth if he can get his hands to cooperate with his brain. So much learning going on! 
Marcus at 4 months
 A garden is still in the plans for this year even if we are going to be leaving late summer. It’s always so good to have fresh produce right in your own yard. It’s also very nice to have something to do outside other than walk the sidewalks! It’s a little interesting having two country kids living in the city sometimes! The old saying of “you can take a kid out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the kid” is very true in our case.  
We have been very encouraged by a song that we recently discovered. Its words seem to ring so true in the path of life that each of us walks but to us, even more so recently. God has been continually teaching us to trust Him more and more even when we can’t figure it out. The words to a part of the song go like this:

Sometimes the storms we face in life are not what we would chose
If we have the power to choose them for ourselves
We would take the easy road thinking there's no way to lose
But we would miss the blessing of the Father's will
So we must trust His perfectness as He rules from up on high
And when those trials are pressing us this is how we should reply

If this is what God wants
If this is what God says
Then who I am to doubt
Or try to figure out this circumstance?
If this is what God chose for me
In all His majesty
Then surely I can trust and lean
On what God says
By: Ernie Haase

 We have had a number of people ask about our ministry budget, when it goes into effect, and when they should begin giving. It will go into effect when Andy leaves his job and we go to North Carolina at the end of August. Our ministry budget needs to be at least 50% funded by then, with actual giving now or pledges to begin later, or we will not be going. Wycliffe would really like to see us at close to 100% so that we can continue on into orientation and our Intercultural Communication class.

Please continue to pray for us as we look ahead to training. Our two biggest prayer requests in regards to training are: 1) That God would provide the needed funds for our ministry budget, either pledged or given, and 2) That Andy would be able to learn a lot and pick things up quickly during the training period.

We want to thank each one of you for the ways that you encourage us, advocate for us, pray for us, and those of you who have partnered with us financially. Each of you is a vital part of our team and we couldn’t do what we’re doing without you.

May God bless each of you richly as you serve Him!

Andrew, Janelle & Marcus

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