Sunday, December 12, 2010

Technical Evaluation

As I sit here and write this update to all of you it seems sort of strange, but in a good way. I got a phone call last week from JAARS and they want us to come for my Technical Evaluation in January. It seems strange to finally be poised to take a step that I have wondered if I would get to take for many of the past years. God has been so faithful through the years and the best part is that I know that He will continue to be just as faithful. I didn't ever dream the path that God would take me to this point but I wouldn't trade it because He knows what is best and I can trust Him.
The TE will be in North Carolina the last two weeks of January. It consists of approximately one week in the hanger working on various projects as a mechanic. The second week is spent flying the Helio Courier, which, naturally, I am looking forward to. Actually, I am looking forward to both portions.

Please pray for us. We are trusting that God will use this TE to again open or close doors for us. Pray for Andy as he prepares for this, that God would give him a calm heart and that he would just trust Him in everything.

Thank-you so much for your prayers.

Together for Him,
Andrew & Janelle

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