Friday, March 26, 2010


Thank you all for your prayers and support over the last couple of months. It was a joy to have so many willing helpers at the wedding. We feel so blessed to have so many capable people to help us with the multitude of details that surround a big event like this. It felt great to be able to entrust it to the hands of all those people when the day came. I guess what I am trying to say it a great big thank you to all of you that came and shared the day, as well as all of you that were involved both behind the scenes and out in front.

Now to answer the big question that many of you have! Where are we?? We are honeymooning in the middle of the Smoky Mountains near Roan Mountain, Tennessee in a beautiful chalet at Fairhaven Ministries surrounded by mountains and many rhododendrons (not yet in bloom but beautiful none the less). Fairhaven is a place especially for full time Christian workers to get away and relax for a time. They also host many honeymooners such as us. Thanks to some friends from JAARS for telling us about such a great place. We have been totally enjoying just relaxing and spending time together hiking, exploring and taking pictures. So far we’ve hiked a bit of the Appalachian trail, climbed Roan Mountain (zig zaging for about two miles to the top at 6285 ft.), walked the mile high swinging bridge on Grandfather Mountain, saw the 40 ft. Linnville Falls, and drove some of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We are constantly amazed at the absolute beauty of the mountains and how small they make us feel!

We will keep you updated as we finish our trip and work our way back to our own little home. Posted are a few pictures we hope you’ll enjoy. We will post pictures of our wedding when they are available.

Andy & Janelle


Sonya said...

Hey you guys! Love the pictures! You two look so sweet together!Looks like you all are having alot of fun! Happy honeymooning! And safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful! Can't wait to see wedding pic.s! Are you guys renting an apartment or going to get a house? When do you know? will you be going to the mission feild and where?
Enjoy the relaxing time before life's business takes over! :)
(our blog address changed, you might want to change it on your link list, sorry)

Anonymous said...

shoot, them little molehills? you need to come and see some REAL mountains! haha Jk I have seen the Smokeys and they are very beautiful.
hope you had fun and had safe travels.

One God, one way.